
The Digital Future of your Merchant Business

WagaMerchant uses electronic payments as basis and supports its users with a wide range of convenient, seamless and value creating services.

Satisfied merchants are delivering revenue growth of 13% CAGR for acquirers


Future growth of digital payments

Merchants are asking for state-of-the-art support to drive their strong growing business succesfully in the future


Merchant expectations

What are merchants expecting besides seamless and reliable electronic payment capabilities?


Fully automated online onboarding

Fully online onboarding of new merchants, seamless, simple with great user experience (AML, KYC etc.)

Dynamic business insights

Dynamic business insights (transactional and strategic), as well as peer group, benchmarks to drive business.

Fully online administration

Fully online administration of core services (mPOS, devices, customers etc.) without human interaction, 24/7 digital operation model.


Problems and Solutions

Main challenges for acquirers
The solution

What we offer

We offer a holistic approach to all your marketing needs. We support our users with convenient, seamless services.

Data Insights & Reporting

Learn about your end customers spending behaviours, easily identify your peek days and business days of low engagement.


Holistic overview of key indicators of merchants business, key contacts, etc.

Communication & Collaboration

Between all contributors on the platform, messaging, chat, structured data exchange.

Self-Care Portal

Merchants, payment providers and value added service partners.

Value-Added Service Marketplace

For additional services and transactions for merchants, insurance, tax, sales enablement.

Omni-Channel Readiness

Support your merchants on every device.

Interested in WagaMerchant?


A trusted Advisory & Technology partner for your digital ventures across verticals, company sizes, and geographies with its own Software Accelerators.
